Stygian - The Hole of the Universe

“Look lively little lagomorph, rather ridiculous rumors roam ‘round.”

Unique Iterated Trait - Laceration

While not an ability that Stygian developed by choice, they have the ability to rip holes in iterations, which with all of their thrashing, has led to iterations leaking out into each other and things getting all muddied up. It’s not something Stygian can control either, not that it’s one of their concerns at the moment.


Finally, we reach the biggest, strongest Habit of them all, Stygian. With the ability to pull apart other iterations with ease and a taste for them, it’s no surprise that they would be a threat to everyone, Habit or not. There’s just one teeny tiny little problem keeping Stygian from being even more terrifying than they already are…

Stygian is dying.

They don’t want to die, no Habit does, so they started reaching into other iterations, affecting them in an effort to find some way out of their fate. They reached into Loathesome, Northstar/Octantis, Showbit, and Deepbit’s iterations in the hope of drawing power from them. They reached into McHabit, Bittybit, and Boardbit’s iterations in the hope of stealing their unique abilities. They reached into Shellshock, Starlet, and Voyeurbit’s iterations in the hope of learning something they’d missed, but it was all to no avail. So, what’s left?

Well, they could always go to a Doctor. Reaching out, they started tweaking with a James Corenthal, encouraging him subtly. Pull the Habit out of his Evan, give him a new host. Sure enough, the Habit was removed, but much to Stygian’s dismay, the Habit hopped into Corenthal, leaving them without a doctor and with a screwed up Evan.


Turning their attention to other iterations, they started tweaking them to get an empty Evan and a functional doctor so they’d have a fresh body to inhabit, but every single time, without fail, they would be left with an inhabited Corenthal and a worthless Evan.

With time running out, Stygian is willing to do almost anything to live, almost.

They’re not going to become some other Habit’s bitch just for survival, it’s a matter of pride!

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